Simple. Sustainable. Procurement.
Standard products like adhesive tapes, computers, garbage bags, office chairs, and protective gloves are bought millions of times every year. Often with the choice between hundreds, even thousands of similar looking items at every transaction.
And while - in digital catalogs - buyers can sort and filter the products by size, color, price, delivery time and more, one vital aspect has been missing: the sustainability factor of each product.
Continuously benchmarking the sustainability of countless standard products is both costly and time consuming for companies individually. Yet the world wants and needs increasingly sustainable products.
So we made it our mission to find a solution.
Now, by integrating ESG Score into your procurement processes, you can immediately identify and compare the sustainability of standard products.
Our product scoring system follows state-of-the-art science. It is also regularly reviewed by leading researchers and institutes. So you can be sure of absolute reliability on purchase decisions.
Weekly publishing of updated category rankings & product scores
Learn more
Science behind ESG ScoreOn your wish within a workday, everyone in your company can use our intuitive web interface at any time to identify best-in-class sustainable products. If they want to, they can also look deeper into scoring criteria and data.
If you purchase from catalogs hosted in a procurement system or from punchout catalogs, ESG Score can be integrated in these catalogs. The ESG Score is then shown directly on search results and products without needing to exit the system.
Our data is provided via standard exchange formats such as BMEcat, and we are happy to support you and your solution provider integrating them.
ESG Score helps you identify the best products for your needs. You can be sure that you are buying the best products on the market.
ESG Score allows you to sort products by sustainability. You can easily find the most sustainable products for your needs.
ESG Score provides you with valuable ESG raw data. You can use this data to make informed decisions and to benchmark the sustainability of your products.
ESG Score allows you to generate product benchmarks via RFI. You can use this data to make informed decisions and to benchmark the sustainability of your products.
ESG Score allows you to gain insight on category price sensitivities. You can use this data to make informed decisions and to benchmark the sustainability of your products.
ESG Score allows you to monitor your purchasing performance. You can use this data to make informed decisions and to benchmark the sustainability of your products.
ESG Score uses state-of-the-art scoring criteria. You can be sure that you are buying the best products on the market.
ESG Score is easy to integrate and weekly updated. You can be sure that you are buying the best products on the market.
ESG Score empowers your employees to make sustainable choices. You can be sure that you are buying the best products on the market.